
Long Form Sales Page Template

Are you sick of getting mediocre results from your sales page? Are you tired of spending hundreds of hours perfecting your page only to get nothing in return? Are you fed up with wasting thousands of dollars promoting your website, and still not making a sale?

If you are struggling with creating a long-form sales page, we assure you that you are not alone. Constructing an effective sales page is a challenging task. It requires years of mastery to perfect. It's not a walk in the park, so don't worry if it doesn't work out the first time.

Our method of constructing a sales page requires minimal effort and time. This powerful method, as a matter of fact, is as easy as clicking a few buttons. 90% of the work is already done for you, so all you have to do is tweak the copy for your niche.

But before we dive in, it's important to understand the backbones of a sales page.

Long-form sales pages are crucial for showcasing your product to the marketplace. They are one-page websites designed to read top to bottom. The content on the page has to appeal to an audience and should follow a formula for keeping people's eyes on the page. We'll get into this in a moment.

The purpose of a sales page is to convert visitors into customers. Your advertisements, whether on Facebook or Instagram, should lead to your sales page. The advertisement attracts the customer to your website. The sales page aims to turn them into a paying customer.

Short vs Long-Form Sales Page

Before diving into the methods proven to craft winning pieces of copy. It's important to gain a solid understanding of what a sales page consists of. We define a sales page as an online page designed to secure sales for a product.

Marketing aims to attract people to your page. The page itself seeks to convert prospects into paying customers.

There are two forms of sales pages: a short-form sales page, and a long-form sales page.

A short-form sales page is best suited for prospects familiar with your product. These are people who already have a solid understanding of what you offer.

A long-form sales page targets those who are less aware of the problem you are trying to solve. As such, it requires significant amounts of written content to persuade a prospect to buy. This content could take on the form of a story. It could also take shape through connections that trigger pain points.

The focus of this article is on long-form sales pages, but the method presented will work for both types of pages.

The Need For A Long-Form Sales Page

As mentioned, a long-form sales page is best suited for prospects who are less aware of the product you offer . This means your sales page needs to provide the content necessary to ensure the prospect is ready to buy.

The first indicator for needing a successful long-form sales page is a hefty price tag. It's often believed that people don't buy because the price is too high. But if you are able to trigger emotion and provide a logical justification for a sale.

The price you set should pose no issue. Remember, people buy because of emotion and justify their decision with logic.

People buy because of emotion and justify their decision with logic Click To Tweet

The second indicator for needing a long-form sales page is the complexity of your product. Let's say for instance you offer an online course that includes many components. This could be phone calls, weekly Zoom sessions, or monthly assignments in the mail.

The length of a long-form sales page allows you to explain in detail everything the sale includes. Remember to keep the selling part last. As it's important to build a relationship before offering a product.

The third reason for needing a long-form sales page. Is the level of commitment required by the customer.

As an example, you might offer services involving a 12-month commitment for marketing. Your long-term sales page has to elaborate on the service. As well as the perks and bonuses included with the package.

So you might be thinking, do people actually read an entire sales page? If your headline grabs the reader's attention and your copy triggers emotion. Then the length of your page does not matter.

"Sales is not about selling anymore, but about building trust and educating." - Siva Devaki Click To Tweet

The Elements of A Long-Form Sales Page Pt.1

A successful long-form sales page consists of four main categories :

  • Grabbing Attention
  • Sparking Interest
  • Creating Desire
  • Taking Action

Grabbing Someone's Attention

Capturing the attention of a prospect is the most crucial aspect of a successful sales page. This will determine if your reader stays, so it's important to nail this section off the bat.

Three main tools for grabbing attention: the headline, sub-headline, and problem.

The headline is the title of your sales page written in large font. Its purpose is to draw attention by addressing  issues to spark the reader's attention.

8 out of 10 people will read the headline , yet only 2 out of 10 will read the rest. So if you don't get the headline right, your chances of getting a sale become slimmer.

The subheading aims to elaborate deeper on the headline you've crafted. You can think of this as a "mini-headline." Which allows you to further elaborate on a thought or pain-point.

The problem section is where you can relate to the prospect who's reading. This is where you can relate to the prospect with a pain point or emotional connection. You can also stress the need for this product and what the product has helped you overcome.

Sparking Interest

Sparking interest is a crucial step to increase the trustability of your product. This is a real-world application that validates your offer.

Interest is usually sparked in four main ways: videos, photos, or power users.

Videos and photos can show how the product works. You can also use videos to help engage with the prospect by sharing your excitement. Keep in mind that you don't have to hire a professional film crew. All you need is a cell-phone, a blank background, and an exciting tone.

Power users are people who use your product on a daily or weekly basis. It's best preferred to list big name brands in this section.

On the flip side, you may not have power users if it's your first time showcasing a product to the marketplace. In this case, you could offer your product free to prominent companies on a 30-day basis. In return, you can ask for an honest review.

The Elements of A Long-Form Sales Page Pt.2

Creating Desire

Creating desire is where an initial offer is set in combination with a full product outline. This is also the space to address any objections or concerns.

There are three main steps to creating desire. Including the benefits of buying now, testimonials, and objections.

The first way to create desire is by stressing the importance of buying today. One of the best ways to do this is by displaying the amount a prospect might save if they buy today. You can also include bonuses that might connect to a quick sale. You are rewarding the people who are fast action-takers. As an example, you might disclose a PDF with rewards claimed if they buy today.

The second way to create desire is by using testimonials. Testimonials can be in the form of a video or as a written letter. If you choose to use a letter from a customer, make sure to include their photo for trustability. Always ask a customer for their consent.

Super Long-Form Sales Pages Not Your Thing? Here's How To Get 90% Of The Copy Done For You… Click To Tweet

The third way to create demand is by addressing any objections a prospect might have. You may format this as a Q&A or in a similar way that shares past concerns. These could be objections in price, feasibility, or results. A good way to resolve these issues is by referring prospects back to testimonials. Many testimonials are able to provide answers. This is powerful since the solution comes from a verified customer.

The Elements of A Long-Form Sales Page Pt.3

Taking Action

The last part of a long-form sales page is where prospects take action. This area presents the offer alongside an element of scarcity.

Taking action requires three main components. An offer, element of scarcity, and social proof.

Although an initial offer aims to create desire. It's still important to put a second CTA and buy button as people read top to bottom. The offer remains the same. But you can emphasize again the savings and bonuses accompanying a fast sale.

The most important element of this section is scarcity. Which gives the user a reason to act today rather than tomorrow. Think about the last time you purchased something on Amazon. Did you buy it because Amazon said "only 2 lefts in stock"? Utilizing elements of scarcity, such as a limited time offer will give the prospect a reason to act now.

Social proof is the last part of the sales page. This includes a further Q&A combined with reviews from verified users. This gives a final level of trustability and clears up any last concerns.

A long-form sales page may appear to be a lot of work. There are many components required. And nailing sections such as headlines may seem like a chore. So you might be wondering, what's this secretive way of creating a sales page at the click of a button?

A Secret Group of Sales Page Writers

Did you know there is a secret group of writers? Who are masters in writing sales pages and marketing ads? Wonder who they are?

There is an elite group of people known as copywriters. Who spend their time creating copy to generate revenue for a company. A copywriter, by definition, is someone who uses words to influence a prospect to take action.

Think about the last time you received an email from a company. Or saw an advertisement scrolling through Instagram. Did any of those advertisements trigger your curiosity? If so, you saw the magical touch of a copywriter.

Copywriters develop mastery in all areas of marketing. These include emails, landing pages, billboards, websites or advertisements on local subway stations. The job of a copywriter is to conduct research on a specific market . They develop pieces of copy proven to convert for a company.

You can have a copywriter craft proven messages. Instead of spending countless hours trying to hack together a page.

The best copywriters are ones who specialize in specific niches and ad-types. If you are crafting a sales page for a fitness company. Your copywriter should specialize in the fitness industry. This doesn't always have to be the case. But you'll find that specialized copywriters produce extraordinary results.

The best copywriters are also paid for what they're worth. Meaning, they get paid based on the results they generate for a company.

If a copywriter crafts a sales page that brings in $10,000 in for your company. You could pay them 5-10% of the revenue for their service. Good copywriters know they are in the revenue-generating business. The more money they produce, the more they get paid.

What To Look For In Copywriters

As you can probably guess, there are hundreds of copywriters readily available for work on the internet. The best way to distinguish the good from the bad is by considering the following:

What Is Their Writing Process?

Copywriters have different ways of approaching a piece of copy. The best writers, however, spend 95% of the time researching the market and 5% of their time writing copy. The best sales pages come from writers who trigger pain points and emotions. A lot of this information comes from proper research.

What Is Their Knowledge of Your Industry?

One of the best ways to convince someone to buy is by talking in a language they understand. A good copywriter knows the terminology used in a specific industry. They are able to craft effective messages in a professional manner. For example, a copywriter writing in the golf niche should understand various terms. Such as hole-in-one, putt, par, and birdie.

Are They Training?

Like a game of basketball or soccer. The best copywriters are the ones who practice their craft every day to develop mastery. Lebron James works out 5 to 7 days a week and prioritizes healthy eating. A copywriter should also practice their craft on a daily basis. They should focus on educating themselves even when work isn't required.

Do They Have Samples?

It's always wise to ask a copywriter for samples to see if their work is persuasive and appealing. Since the focus is on a sales page, you should ask a copywriter for previous pages he or she has written in the past. This will give you an idea of their expertise in an industry along with the quality of work you are getting.

The Issue With Some Copywriting Services

Let's do a quick experiment to show you the current issue with finding a copywriter. Head on over to your favorite browser, and search"copywriter for hire" on Google. After a few seconds of loading, you'll see that 2.88 million results pop up. Some of these are blogs and websites. But the majority are copywriters available for hire.

So the question is, how can you differentiate a good copywriter from a bad one?

Unless you go through a trial basis with a copywriter. There is no real way to determine which copywriter is best suited for your company. Of course,  there are amazing copywriting websites online who have phenomenal writers. But the issue comes with differentiating the good from the bad.

Let's say you went on Fiverr to hire a freelance writer of your choice. After a quick search, your list includes hundreds of copywriters. Now ask yourself:

  • What is their writing process?
  • What is their knowledge of your industry?
  • Are they training?
  • Do they have samples?

Chances are you won't be able to identify any of this information. Some writers create copy to get paid, so be mindful of who you hire.

So what if there was a better way of writing a sales page? What if you could drop the need of hiring a copywriter? And what if you could create successful advertisements at the click of a button? What if 90% of the work is already finished, and all you have to do is copy and paste the sales page with minor tweaks?

Copy At The Click of A Button

Dan Lok has spent years mastering the art of copywriting. He learned this craft from a proven mentor and teaches it to students all across the world. Having mastered the world of copywriting. He was able to put all his years of experience and skills into an easy-to-use program. Known as Instant Scripts.

Instant Scripts is the fastest way of creating revenue-generating sales copy. You, as the business owner, can choose a template of a sales page and fill in the blanks to suit the needs of your company. We'll show you how this works shortly.

Instant Scripts is a combination of Sifu Dan's years of experience. Packed into a powerful software. There are 6 main components included with Instant Scripts. Instant sales copy, storytelling phrases, emails, letters, and templates.

The section on sales copy includes 1978 attention-grabbing headlines. Along with powerful frameworks used in the greatest advertisements ever. There are also 858 sizzling sentence starters. With 304 mouth-watering bullet points to add more punch to what you are offering. 45 amazing strong body copies are there to ensure the readers stick to the page while reading.

Instant Scripts also has proven copy in emails and Facebook Ads. You will never have to worry about crafting a bad advertisement or message again.

Sifu Dan wishes he had Instant Scripts when he was first building his company. The process of writing sales copy would be much faster. And the level of creativity required would have remained very low.

How It Works

Instant Scripts is an intuitive software that allows you to create a sales page at the click of a button. When you get Instant Scripts, head on over to "templates" and select the sales page of your choice. For example, you can choose "OTO Sales Page". Click on the button and boom. Your sales page is ready for you.

All you have to do is fill in the blanks to customize the page to your liking, and off you go. It's as simple as that. If you want to get creative. You can go through different sections such as call-to-actions and guarantees. This is  to give your sales page an extra spark. The freedom of creation is at your disposal. You never have to worry about crafting a bad page. Because all the templates and fill-in-the-blanks are tested.

How You Can Get Started

Instant Scripts is a very powerful software able to influence people. All we ask is for you to remain ethical and only use this platform for helping people and doing good.

We also want you to use this platform as an end-all way for receiving results for your company. We get how frustrating it can be when your sales page doesn't convert. And we can feel your shame when all your hard work goes to waste.

So if you are ready to craft winning sales copy at the click  of a button, sign up for Instant Scripts today.

Long Form Sales Page Template


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