
How To Get Facebook Followers Hack

How to Get More Facebook Followers (21 Genuine Ways)

Do you want to get more followers on Facebook? Growing your business page is a great way to raise brand awareness. But with recent algorithm changes, it's harder than ever to attract more fans.

So in this article, we'll share genuine ways to get more Facebook followers so you can get more leads and increase your sales.

  1. 1. Run a Facebook Giveaway
  2. 2. Use Facebook Engagement Ads
  3. 3. Invite Other People to Like Your Page
  4. 4. Invite Subscriber Lists Too
  5. 5. Curate and Post Viral Content
  6. 6. Create Your Own Viral Content
  7. 7. Encourage Partners to Tag Your Page
  8. 8. And Tag Other Pages
  9. 9. Create More Video Content
  10. 10. Give Facebook Live a Try
  11. 11. Use Hashtags in Your Posts
  12. 12. Don't Be Too 'Salesy'
  13. 13. But Do Share Generous Discounts
  14. 14. Create a Facebook Group
  15. 15. Automate Your Content
  16. 16. Cross-Promote on Other Social Networks
  17. 17. Add a Facebook Like Widget to Your Site
  18. 18. And Add Your Social Media Links too
  19. 19. Embed Facebook Posts on Your Blog
  20. 20. Add a Facebook Feed on Your Site
  21. 21. Link to Facebook From Other Media

Now before we get started with hacks to increase your Facebook followers, let's look at why having a page is important.

Why is a Facebook Business Page Important?

With over 2 billion active users, Facebook is a great platform for reaching your target audience. And if you take a look at these Social Media Marketing statistics, you'll see the majority of Facebook users are adults. So if your customer base is in that age-range, you'll want to promote your business on Facebook.

Furthermore having a Facebook page can help you with the following tasks:

  • Help potential customers learn more about your business.
  • Display your contact information and physical store (if you have one).
  • Increase the exposure of your brand to relevant people.
  • Get more leads that may convert into real product sales.
  • Foster brand loyalty through engaging with your audience.
  • Show the culture of your company and its values.

Now you know why having a business or fan page is important, how do you find the followers you already have? Let's find out.

How to Find Your Facebook Followers

To find your Facebook followers, open up your Facebook page and click Settings.

To find Facebook page followers click Settings

Then in the left-hand column, look for the heading People and Other Pages. When you click it, you'll see a list of all the users following your page.

People and other pages view Facebook

You can then filter the list based on:

  • People who like your page
  • People who follow your page
  • Pages that like your page
  • Banned people and pages.
Filter Facebook page followers

So you know why having a page is important and how to find your existing followers. Next up is figuring out a good reach for your page.

What is a Good Reach on Facebook?

Nowadays it isn't as easy to determine a good Facebook reach as it used to be. The algorithm that dictates what shows up in the news feed has had a huge change. And as a result, tons of businesses have seen a decline in their reach and engagement rates.

Therefore the answer to the question, "What is a good reach on Facebook?" is it varies. There's no solid answer. It largely depends on the rates of engagement your content gets, and how quickly people interact with it.

With this in mind, here are a few types of content we know the Facebook algorithm loves:

  • Posts with heaps of likes, comments, and shares.
  • Posts that get lots of engagement in a short amount of time.
  • Content your friends like, comment on, and share.
  • Link posts.
  • The types of posts you interact with often.
  • Content users prefer, such as videos, photos, and status updates.
  • Videos uploaded to Facebook with lots of views.
  • Pages that post trending or timely content.

Related: 11 Must-Have Facebook Marketing Tools

How to Get More Followers on Your Facebook Business Page

With all the above in mind, let's look at more direct ways to increase your followers on Facebook. Even better, most of these tips are free!

1. Run a Facebook Giveaway

One of the easiest ways to get more Facebook followers for free is to run a giveaway. A contest has the potential to promote your Facebook page to a ton of people. And don't forget, the quicker people interact with your content, the more chance you have of it showing in the news feed.

What does more visibility in the news feed mean? More engagement!

facebook giveaway

Running Facebook contests is actually easier than you might think. And if you use RafflePress the best WordPress giveaway plugin, you'll be up and running in a few clicks.

entry actions to grow facebook engagement

RafflePress is the best choice for Facebook giveaways because it includes ready-made templates to grow your Facebook following. And on top of that, refer-a-friend actions have the power to make you go viral.

viral refer a friend

You can learn how to run a giveaway on Facebook to boost your following here.

2. Use Facebook Engagement Ads

You can also run engagement ads to get more Facebook followers. Facebook ads can increase your brand's visibility. So when people see your ad, they're more likely to engage with it and follow your page.

Facebook engagement ads

In fact, the same can be said for almost any type of paid Facebook promotion such as boosting your posts. This is because the more that people see your content, the greater the chance of them following you.

3. Invite Other People to Like Your Page

Another quick and easy way to get more followers on Facebook is to invite other people to like your page.

You may notice that after running Facebook ads for a while, you'll get suggestions for who to invite to your page. These are people who've interacted with your ads in some way, so they're a good choice to invite.

Invite other people to like your Facebook page

But be careful when you invite lots of people at once. Inviting huge numbers of people in one go has seen some accounts get banned for what looks like suspicious activity. So stagger your invites to a handful at a time to avoid this.

4. Invite Subscriber Lists Too

It's not just Facebook users you can invite to like your page either. Think about the contacts you have outside of the platform who may not follow you yet. The first place that springs to mind is your email list.

Send out a newsletter asking your list to follow you on Facebook. Then in all future emails, make sure there's a clear link to your business page for people to see.

Add Facebook links in emails

You can even add a link to Facebook in the signature of your personal email to boost followers too.

5. Curate and Post Viral Content

You don't have to re-invent the wheel to grow your Facebook page. Sometimes, using what you already know works well, is the best choice. And since we already know that the Facebook algorithm favors popular content, it's worth sharing these posts on your page too.

Curate a collection of content that has performed well on Facebook and share it on your own page. Types of content can include:

  • Memes
  • Gifs
  • Video shorts
  • Funny images
Curate viral Facebook content

But make sure you tag and credit the author of the content when you post it on Facebook.

6. Create Your Own Viral Content

On the other hand, if you're fairly creative you can create your own viral content to share on your social channels. Think of ways you can insert your product or service in funny situations. Or the type of content your audience will relate to the most.

Grammarly popular facebook post

Grammarly is really good at creating posts that get loads of Facebook engagement. They clearly understand their fans' sense of humor which makes them more relatable.

7. Encourage Partners to Tag Your Page

Yet another way to increase the reach of your Facebook page and get more followers is to encourage people to tag your page.

Get people to tag your facebook page

Many brands have partners they work with so why not ask them to tag your page when mentioning your product or service in their own posts.

The same can be said for your customers too. Get them to tag you in posts featuring your product so anyone seeing the post, can check your page out and follow you.

8. And Tag Other Pages

In the same way, it's worth tagging other people and pages in your Facebook posts too. Those people will be notified of the tag which increases the chances of them sharing your post with their own followers.

Tag other pages to get more Facebook followers

This will expose you to a larger audience who will potentially follow your Facebook page.

9. Create More Video Content

Video content often gets more engagement than simple status updates or images. In fact, as we mentioned earlier, Facebook loves video content above everything else.

Facebook video content

You can use videos to engage with your audience and grow your following with some of these suggestions:

  • Share video reviews of your products
  • Post an instructional video on how to use your service
  • Create a behind the scenes video for your business
  • Interview your founder or team members

10. Give Facebook Live a Try

And while we're on the topic of creating great Facebook videos, why not use Facebook Live videos to engage with your fans in real-time?

To give you an example of how powerful Facebook Live can be for your business, check out this live video from Birchbox.

facebook live video

The host chats to a brand ambassador about creating beachy hair waves with a tutorial for how to create the look. With over 12k views it reached a ton of people.

11. Use Hashtags in Your Posts

Even though they're most popular on Instagram and Twitter, hashtags can still give your posts a boost on Facebook.

The reason why people don't generally use them on Facebook is that most profiles are restricted which limits the hashtag reach to people able to see your posts.

But since most Facebook business pages are public, it makes sense to sprinkle a few hashtags in your updates to make them more visible.

Facebook hashtags

One way you can use them is to add giveaway hashtags to increase the reach of your Facebook contests and so on.

12. Don't Be Too 'Salesy'

Picture this: you're browsing Facebook and a page you follow posts a promotional update. So you scroll on for a little and face another update from the same page asking you to buy something.

What do you do?

Most people would either unlike the page or hide the updates from their feed.

Truth is, too much promotional content turns people off. You need to balance the 'sells' with the tells. And by that, we mean, have a good mix of educational or informational content to go with the promotions. Otherwise, your updates will get buried in no-mans land and you'll lose followers.

On the other hand, a promotion isn't so bad if you soften the blow by giving something in return. Offering money off or a percentage discount is a great way to get new leads and take care of your audience.

Facebook discount post

In fact, if you become a page known for giving out discounts, people will likely follow you on Facebook to take advantage of them.

14. Create a Facebook Group

The great thing about social networks is that they're ideal for building close-knit communities. And Facebook makes it really easy to build a community around your business page with Facebook Groups.

Facebook group post

If you create a Facebook Group you can cross-promote your page there too in order to get more followers.

But don't make the mistake of making a group to ONLY promote your page. A good group takes care of its members by answering questions and sharing helpful information.

Related: How WPForms Got 11K+ Facebook Group Members with RafflePress

15. Automate Your Content

If you're not already automating the sharing of your content to Facebook with social media marketing tools, you need to start now.

Automating your content on Facebook can not only save heaps of manual labor but help you reach your audience at the right time too. Otherwise, you'll be up all hours of the night trying to post an update at the right time.

Even better, scheduling content ahead of time will ensure you post regularly. And this can send a signal to the algorithm that you post regular content, increasing the reach of posts and potential followers.

Want to know the best time to post on social media? Check this guide out!

While you're scheduling content on Facebook, use your social media tools to cross-promote your posts on other social networks too.

Chances are your ideal audience is spread over multiple social platforms, and some might not even know you're on Facebook. So posting links to your Facebook posts on other platforms can make those people aware you exist and encourage them to follow you.

Cross promote on other social platforms

17. Add a Facebook Like Widget to Your Site

If you have a Facebook page, it's likely you have a website too. And most websites nowadays have widget-ready areas for things like recent posts, newsletter forms, and more.

facebook like  box

Why not use these areas to add a Facebook like widget that lets people like your Facebook page there and then? Doing so means they won't even need to go to Facebook to follow you. All they have to do is click, and they'll see your page updates in their feed.

However, if you'd rather not use a widget, you can always add simple icons and links to Facebook on your website. Most websites come with simple ways to add social links to your site.

Add social links on your website

Whereas if you're using WordPress, you can find out how to add social media icons to your menus here. That way anyone visiting your site, can click through to your social profiles and follow you on Facebook, Twitter, and so on.

19. Embed Facebook Posts on Your Blog

Let's not stop at simply adding links to social media on your site. You can embed your actual Facebook posts in your site's pages and posts too. That way anyone browsing your website can like, comment on and follow your Facebook page without leaving your site.

Let's look at how to embed a Facebook post in WordPress.

First head to the post you'd like to embed. Then click the icon with 3 dots to the top right of the post as shown below:

locate the facebook post

From there you'll see a list of options. Click Embed near the bottom of the list.

choose the embed option

This will open a lightbox with a code snippet you'll need to copy.

Copy the code snippet

Copy this code and head to the WordPress post or page where you'd like to embed your Facebook post.

If you're using the new WordPress editor, add a new HTML block. Then paste in the code snippet.

add your code to the HTML block in WordPress

Clicking Preview will show how the Facebook post embed will look when the post is live. Then click Publish and you're done.

20. Add a Facebook Feed on Your Site

What's even more powerful than embedding single Facebook posts on your site? Embedding an entire Facebook feed!

With a Facebook feed, your audience can scroll through and see all of the awesome content you're sharing on Facebook. Plus, they can interact with your posts without having to leave your site.

It's the perfect way to get more followers and keep your site updated with new, engaging content automatically.

add a facebook feed to your site

You can easily display a Facebook feed anywhere on your WordPress site using Smash Balloon.

custom facebook feed pro from smash balloon

Smash Balloon's Custom Facebook Feed Pro is super easy to set up. Simply connect the plugin with your Facebook account and in less than 30 seconds you can display a beautiful Facebook feed on your website.

To see how easy it really is, check out this tutorial on how to embed a Facebook feed.

There are plenty of other places where you can share a link to your Facebook page too. Think of all the media you create that gets published all over the internet (and off the web) and identify where you can point people to your business page so as to follow you.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Add your Facebook page link to your Reddit profile
  • Include a link in media packs
  • Mention your page in interviews and podcasts
  • Paste your business page link in the description of YouTube videos
  • Include your Facebook URL on product packaging
  • Have a sign to follow you on Facebook in your physical store
  • Add your URL to your bumper sticker
  • Add a call to follow your page in retargeting ads

In fact to get get more followers on your Facebook business page, make it obvious in all the communications that you have a page.

Check out this guide for more Facebook marketing tips.

And there you have it. By now you've learned all our genuine secrets on how to get more Facebook followers. All that's left is for you to start promoting your Facebook page.

What are you waiting for?

Planning on running a Facebook giveaway? Here are our top Facebook giveaway ideas proven to get results.

And don't forget to follow us on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook for more great tips to grow your business.

How To Get Facebook Followers Hack


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